The Fordnatics mailing list is a high-volume, unmoderated forum for discussing Fords and Ford-powered vehicles, with an emphasis on technical topics such as repair, restoration, and performance modifications. The common thread is fun Fords and Total Performance, whether on the street, the track, or the show grounds. All years and models, from the Model T to the Mercury Mystique, are fair game. Questions from novices are encouraged. If you love cars, and you bleed Ford blue, Fordnatics is the place for you!
The Fordnatics list is hosted by The Mustang Works Online.
Fordnatics is available as a "live" list, or as a digest. Because of the high volume, we recommend that new subscribers try the digest first.
New subscribers are invited to send an introductory message describing their interest in Fords, and any initial questions they might have.
To subscribe, send an email message to, with the following in the body of the message:
Make sure you send the message from the exact email address that you will be using to post message to the list. Normally, only subscribers' email addresses are allowed to post to a list. If the address you send a post from does not match the one you have subscribed, your posting will be refused.
If for some reason this doesn't work, please mail the administrator.
New subscribers are invited to send an introductory message describing their interest in Fords, and any initial questions they might have.
To remove yourself from Fordnatics, send an email message to, with the following in the body of the message:
Send trouble reports and other administrivia to the administrator, and he will respond as soon as is practical.
Private-party ads are welcomed. Appropriate items include vehicles, parts, tools, supplies, etc. Announcements and discussion of Ford-related events (car shows, club events, etc.) are also welcomed. Referrals to commercial suppliers and services are also welcomed.
Commercial advertising is strictly forbidden. Violators may have their subscriptions cancelled at the administrator's discretion.
There is one Web-based archive for Fordnatics, at
While the archives went on-line on September 25, 1998, they also include the archives from the first year of the list, from May '94 to May '95. Apparently this archive is still available, but is no longer collecting new messages.
Many thanks to the gearheads at, for offering these services! Please patronize their advertisers.
Archives covering May 1994 to May 1995 are also available via anonymous FTP at URL . Archives are stored by month, and compressed with gzip. Contact the webmaster if you need help finding the 'gzip' program.
We maintain a collection of (somewhat stale) Ford- and Mustang-related information at
Your contributions are welcome! Because of space limitations, we cannot accept images, but we will be happy to upload any other Ford-related information. To contribute, email the webmaster.
The Fordnatics list is now administered by the iList mailing list manager. Persistent unresolved delivery problems may result in removal from the list. If you don't see any messages for several days, email the list administrator with an alternate contact method (e.g. another email address, voice phone number, etc.) so he can contact you to resolve the problem.
As the Fordnatics list is a voluntary service provided in our spare time, we reserve the right to remove anyone from the list at any time, for any reason. Note that it usually takes malice or a major brain failure to provoke us to do so.
Messages seen on Fordnatics are the personal opinions of their authors, presented for the private use of subscribers, and do not represent the official opinions or policies of any organization or the Fordnatics list. In particular, Chuck Fry, Chris Ferino,, and Ford Motor Company are not responsible for the contents of Fordnatics messages or the archives.
Copyright on Fordnatics messages remains with the original author. Private use, archiving, and hardcopying by subscribers is permitted and encouraged. Redistribution of Fordnatics messages in any form without the explicit consent of the author -- including but not limited to publication, reposting on other computer services, or displaying product reviews to vendors -- is expressly forbidden. Reposting of private messages to Fordnatics without the author's permission is also expressly forbidden. Redistribution without permission will result in immediate and permanent removal from the list.